Monday, August 16, 2010


"BAPAK AND THE COMING OF THE LATIHAN"... III BAPAK'S EXPERIENCES DURING THE THOUSAND NIGHTS. (Concluded today... Monday 8/16/10... on both Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA" and "MUFTIAH"...)

When the prayer was ended Bapak recited the dhikir. Bapak's mother heard that Bapak had got up from sleep and, after she had prayed her morning prayer, she went to see Bapak.

She whispered, "May I tell you about an Experience I had last night?"

Bapak said, "Yes please, Ibu, whatever you wish to tell."

"At Midnight", said Bapak's mother, "I Was Awakened From Sleep. I Sat Up And Searched With My Feet For My Sandals, Because My Eyes Were Still Closed, Not Yet Open. But For A Long Time My Feet Could Not Find The Sandals, So That I Had To Open My Eyes. I Was Very Frightened When I Saw The Room Almost Entirely Filled With Light From Electric Light Bulbs.

But When I Looked Properly, The Light Did Not, In Fact, Come From Electric Lights. The Lights Were All Stars Shining In The Sky.

Then I Looked Down, And Below Me There Was Open Air, So At That Moment I Felt I Was In The Sky, And My Body Felt Cold And I Was Frightened. I Gave Up My Intention To Find My Sandals, Quickly Lay Down On The Mattress And Went To Sleep Again.

I have just got up and, after finishing my ablution and prayer, I felt brave enough to come to you because I saw that you are here and the condition of the room is no longer as I saw it last night."

This is the story which Bapak's mother told Bapak. It seemed that the Experience of Bapak's mother was a kind of Evidence for her to witness what happened to Bapak during that night.

Bapak told the above story to the SUBUD members in Lima, Colombia, Mexico, Canada and in other countries which Bapak visited.

It seemed that on hearing this Story from Bapak they felt more convinced that the Latihan Kejiwaan of SUBUD is truly a Latihan which is a gift from Almighty God for people who truly have faith in His Greatness and who truly have patience, submission and sincerity in surrendering to His Will.

This Story enabled the helpers and committee members in the centers of the various countries, who had been quarrelling among themselves, each claiming to be right in their way of carrying out their responsibilities, to put things right, and in addition they were also able to feel their need for harmony and mutual appreciation, mutual respect and mutual help. Bapak hopes that it will be like that also for the brothers and sisters here.

If you ask why Bapak only now speaks about the events connected with the Coming of the Latihan Kejiwaan and about Bapak's earlier Experiences in the Latihan Kejiwaan, it is because Bapak first wanted to have proof of the truth of the Messages he Had Received before.

Now, since the Indications Received by Bapak have become a reality and Bapak has actually made the journey abroad and, moreover, has traveled round the world and visited various countries where many brothers and sisters are following the ways of the Latihan Kejiwaan of SUBUD Bapak feels he can speak about these Experiences.

When the Messages Received earlier by Bapak proved true, Bapak remembered the Book like a world atlas, containing pictures of people of various races who were mingled together and who Made Movements and Sounds: they Uttered all sorts of Sounds, some Laughed, some Wept, some Grumbled.

Clearly, this Book Had Predicted that Bapak would later meet people from various countries, races and religions, and that these people would really follow the way of the Latihan Kejiwaan of SUBUD; and now it is clear that Bapak's Receiving was true.

This is the Story of how the Latihan Kejiwaan of SUBUD came into existence, a Story which, of course, is closely related to Bapak himself who, by the Grace of God, is Willed to be a channel for God's Grace to every adult of the various races and religions who is sincerely willing to Receive and follow the way of the Latihan Kejiwaan of SUBUD.

In the beginning, Bapak himself did not expect that he would be able to Receive so great a Grace from Almighty God because, according to the stories told about man, this can be Received only by Prophets and Messengers of Almighty God, whereas Bapak is just an ordinary man, born in this present century.

Therefore what happened to Bapak, as related above, is something to be left to God Who is All-Knowing about all things. And since this was brought about in Bapak by God, Bapak is only obliged to persevere and Receive God's Gift, which it is fitting for Bapak to Receive with patience, trust and sincere submission.

It is just for this that Bapak Is Being Trained, Guided and Directed by the Power of God, Which Permeates the Inner As Well As The Outer Self, in Being Aware of his life according to the Will of Almighty God.

("BAPAK AND THE COMING OF THE LATIHAN"... IV BAPAK'S FIRST WORLD JOURNEY...   Beginning Thursday 8/19/10... on both Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA" and "MUFTIAH"... Insha Allah... God Willing...)

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