Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Open Letter of January 3, 1987... To All SUBUD Brothers and Sisters Throughout The SUBUD World - Part III - Continued Monday 11/29/10...)

Known as Grazia... she was used to staying close to her Inner self... while walking down the streets, or riding on a bus in the cities of South Africa. 

And now that she, known as Laura... at the ripe age of 41, and living in Miami, was finally able to learn how to drive a car for the first time in her life, her dear SUBUD Brother Howard Welsh, now Hidayat, teaching her, she began to find herself in a state of Latihan Kejiwaan... while driving the car also!  

In fact, whenever she found herself alone anywhere, she would surrender and begin singing praises to ALMIGHTY GOD, feeling great Joy deep inside her, her Latihan Kejiwaan becoming deeper and wider than it had ever been... before she came to America...!

Now in the USA... her work experience in the world was added to by becoming an assistant to two chiropractors, the first in Miami, and the second, a SUBUD Brother, in San Francisco, who also trained her in the procedure of Accupressure, and now known as Muftiah, she would Receive Inner Guidance as to where to apply pressure on the patients' bodies! 

And at the end of the work day, she would always Receive to do a cleansing Latihan Kejiwaan, before going home. . .

Shortly after she arrived in Marin, after her 4-month crisis in Santa Cruz, with her new Muslim name Muftiah, she Received: 

"Now Teach Singing"! 

And she wondered how, since she was too poor even to rent a piano; during her crisis, in Santa Cruz, she had only been able to earn $8 a week... as a cleaning lady for the Catholic church...!

Testing with dear Regional Helpers SUBUD Sisters Roekmini House and Aminah Clark had indicated: 

"Laura Must Now Only Work With Her Hands - No Group Latihan Kejiwaan - No Ramadan Fast!" 

(She was in a Holy State of Disgrace because of her willfullness in her unhappy marriage to Mark, disobeying GOD'S Will that she stay married to him... and allowing Mark... who was happily living with another woman... to divorce her...)

So... after first Paralyzing her whole body... while He Expressed His Displeasure in His daughter Laura... GOD Made her become a cleaning woman, for the Catholic church...!

She... who had managed hotels... was now Made to scrub two priests' houses from top to bottom twice a week... and yet she was Granted GOD'S MERCY... because during that time of "Working With Her Hands"... PRAISE ALLAH - the Latihan Kejiwaan Would Soar through her being... with ALMIGHTY GOD Gving her Boundless Energy...! 

Whenever she washed the stained-glass windows of the church... or made up beds, washed dishes, scrubbed bathrooms and floors, vacuumed, polished and dusted, the priests' houses... she would Receive Singing Praises Joyfully to HIM.. while she worked... and everythig Was Made Very Easy for her... the Time Seeming To Fly By...!

Then a Miracle... after three months... when ALLAH suddenly Commanded her to relocate to Marin... a piano and studio "fell into her lap"! - and one by one, SUBUD Sisters, and even Brothers, came to her, and Muftiah learned... that she was not to train their voices, as hers had been trained so many years ago, but to follow Inner Guidance... as to what each Brother and Sister needed, for his/her voice to come up and out... from his/her Jiwa...!

"Oh ALLAH... Please Forgive Muftiah"... 

became her daily supplication, when she hesitated to "Obey ALLAH"... for even just a second!, Being Made To Feel Great Remorse Deep Inside Her...

And in particular for these past four years and two months and six days, with the sincerest feeling of patient willingness to experience whatever ALLAH Wills for her... the following is what she is Made to suffer... by HIM...: 

Mostly constant pressure in the head, as if swimming under water, and partial paralysis of the face and left side of the body, from the many Strokes she has Received... for her Ancestral Purification... 

She also suffers a daily debilitating draining away of the material life forces in her body, evidenced by daily constant nausea of varying degrees, and also daily, painful numerous bouts of diarrhea, heart palpitations and lung disorders... 

Furthermore... there are mysterious Rashes, Red Blotches and Streaks... that Appear and Disappear all over her body, every day, some very itchy... 

Then there are the periodic painful gallstone attacks... unquenchable thirst... swelling of the joints, and high blood pressure... 

To top it all... there are the most unpleasant hot flashes... suffered ever since she was 37... when she had to undergo a pan hysterectomy... with little relief, since for the past 7 years, the monthly hormonal estrogen injections... have no longer been effective... getting some relief... so far... from the herbal supplements of Black Cohosh and Soy Isoflavones...

(Allah Commanded Open Letter of January 3, 1987... To All SUBUD Brothers and Sisters Throughout The SUBUD World  -  Part  IV - to be Continued... Insha Allah... God Willing... Thursday 12/2/10...)

Friday, November 26, 2010


Open Letter of January 3, 1987... To All SUBUD Brothers and Sisters Throughout The SUBUD World  -  Part   III   Continued Thanksgiving Day... 11/25/10...

She had been very active... working in the world for about 33 years, in all kinds of fields, beginning with teaching English to quite a number of Swiss adults at the age of 12.

Then beginning her musical career, singing professionally with the Zurcher Staatsoper at the age of 16... when she had reached the height of five foot ten...

She sang in operettas and grand opera, being chosen as one of only four from about 200 professional diva refugees from all over Europe auditioning - being the only one whose voice was powerful enough to sing in Wagner's operas...!

Then at 17, office training in her father's Rolex Watch Company, in London, followed by secretarial positions with a medical insurance company and the Bell Telephone Company, back in Zurich, Switzerland, translating for them as well, because of her languages...

Then between South Africa and Southern Rhodesia, over a period of 16 years, she held secretarial positions in diamond mining, medical instruments, consular and legal fields, as well as in the recording industry; then hotel management through marriage... at the age of 34... having eached the height of six foot one...

She also sang professionally in South Africa and Southern Rhodesia, in musical comedy, nightclubs, on radio, and in operettas and grand opera. . .

Grazia, now living on the romantic island of Antigua, in the Caribbean, with her newly Opened... tall dark and movie star handsome French/Canadian husband, Jacques Parent, sincerely believing that she was surrendered enough to the  POWER OF THE ONE ALMIGHTY GOD... ached at the fact that he was not "Spiritual enough" for her, and wrote to BAPAK, in her sorrow...

BAPAK replied:

"...This is to inform you that everything you write about in your letter is the life experience of someone living in this world.  

Therefore you should take it as a warning to awaken the Inner-Feeling, so that it approaches closer to THE POWER OF ALMIGHTY GOD, which envelops the self both Inwardly and outwardly, so that it increases your acceptance and sincere submission in carrying out your devotion to HIM.

If possible, that is what you should do.  

This is needed so that you may Receive ALMIGHTY GOD's GRACE, and be kept from a way of life that is beset with all kinds of difficulties and hardships, and so that you may be brought close to a way of life that brings safety and happiness...", ... and gave her her second SUBUD name, Laura...

Her first SUBUD name Grazia, meaning "Big Grace of God"... Was Given to her by her Heavenly Father Himself... on her very first night of the forthcoming Group Latihan... at the Johannbesburg SUBUD Center... while she was sitting in her bathtub... cleansing herself... body and hair... in preparation for the Holy Event...

And He also Told her... That Out Of Respect  For Him... She Should Always Cleanse Herself... Body And Hair... Before Worshipping Him... In The Latihan of SUBUD...  

Grazia... now Laura... was shocked to be told that her surrender had not been deep enough, and begged her HEAVENLY FATHER to Show her how to be more submissive, more patiently surrendered... 

And by the time she arrived in America, in Miami, on January 13, 1971, she had already had 2 husbands, and was now estranged from her third one, Jacques... newly named Mark...  having run away from him against GOD's WILL, not just once... but three times... with unhappy consequences for her...

And Laura cried out to her HEAVENLY FATHER for help, and HE, in HIS INFINITE LOVING MERCY for HIS disobedient... recalcitrant daughter, Now Began Laura's Serious Training... to awaken her Inner Feeling... with Inner Guidance... to surrender herself in Latihan Kejiwaan... every single morning... in what she came to call... her "Latihan Shower"...

(Open Letter of January 3, 1987... To All SUBUD Brothers and Sisters Throughout The SUBUD World  -  To be Continued... Insha Allah... God Willing... with Part  IV -  on 11/29/10...) 

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Open Letter of January 3rd 1987... (Continued)

The Open Letter of January 3rd 1987... Continued here... Monday 11/22/10... with an excerpt from her Spiritual Odyssey... "FROM SEVEN HELLS... TO SEVENTH HEAVEN... SUBUD..."  Part I - Ninety Days In March - Chapter 7...

As Muftiah drove... the long miles... to the Santa Cruz SUBUD House... she also recalled... how she and Farlan... were constantly fighting... and arguing so much... as nothing about his fiancĂ©e... seemed to please him... neither the way she dressed... or the way she wore her make-up... etc... and even going so far... as to contemptuously jeer... about her so-called... "noble" ... European background...!

And she was even more convinced... that she was doing the right thing... even though Farlan knew nothing... about her secret meeting... with Miriam Brannan... that night...!

Finally arriving at the Santa Cruz SUBUD House... to meet her dear SUBUD Sister Helper... Miriam Brannan... from whom she had bought... her Rambler Station Wagon... about two years earlier... becoming the proud owner... of her very first car... at the age of forty-three... having finally learned to drive... when she was already forty-one... which she loved to do... she was happily looking forward... to their reunion... and to worshipping God... together with her again...

And quickly realized... how well Miriam Received...!

For quite soon after... during their special Latihan Kejiwaan... alone together... surrendering themselves sincerely... and patiently... to their Creator... with Miriam... as a Christian... asking Almighty God... whether 
Farlan... was the right man... for Muslim Muftiah... to marry... she Received to Proclaim... in a Loud... Commanding Voice... of Authority...:

"Do Not Doubt... He Is Your Husband...!"

And With Each Of Miriam's Received... Uttered Seven Words... Muftiah Experienced... Spiritually Seeing... Shooting... Bright Blue Shafts Of Light... Like Lightning... Seven Of Them... One After Another... Descending... Entering... And Painfully Piercing... The Top Of Her Head...!

And Each Bright Blue Shaft... Jolted Her... Throughout Her Entire Body... Like Jarring Electric Shocks... Making Her Whole Body... Shudder... And Tremble... With The Powerful Force Of Them...!

And becoming terrified... of Almighty Allah's Wrath... quaking with fear.. she became deathly afraid... to disobey... His Perfect Will for her...

And she began to babble... sobbing... that all of her... was willing... to accept Farlan... as her husband... the young man... who was much younger... than she was... (and which meant... with all his unpleasant... barbed criticisms... the constant fighting... the arguing... and the bickering...!)

Of enormous help to Muftiah... and to soften the Jarring... Chastizing Blow... that her doubting... Had Just Been Dealt... and which calmed her... a great deal... was Being Made... To Open her Eyes... and Witness... Miriam's Beautiful Receiving... in Wonderful Gestures... the Noble Essence... of Farlan's soul... and truly honorable character...!

And in which... Feeling the Magnificence... of Farlan's noble soul... Beautifully Radiating... from Miriam... Muftiah's troubled spirit... was greatly soothed...!

Muftiah had already Received... shortly after Being Brought Together... with him... that the whole of Farlan's Inner Self... had been "Awakened..."... and "Opened..."... at once...!  A very unusual phenomenon...!

Quickly noticing... that unlike his fellow SUBUD Brothers... many of them coming... to SUBUD... from a background... of long drug abuse... which ade them look... barely alive... and which Bapak... had warned them... would take about fourteen years... of Latihan Kejiwaan... to become totally Purified... out of them...!... Farlan... not having come... from a background of drug abuse... except for a little bit of experimentation... out of curiosity... was always full of vim... and vigor... and vibrant energy...!

But little did she know then... that only seven years later... their very intense... Jiwa to Jiwa marriage... of Purification... Spiritual Growth... and Development... would come to an abrupt end...!

During their intense seven years... of Holy Matrimony... especially Willed by Allah Almighty God... they were Forbidden... to relate to each other... from their hearts... but only from their Jiwas... giving each other... not what each wanted... but what each needed... and always only... through their separate Receiving...!

And what is more... the moments... of their unique... Holy Union of Marriage... and the way... in which they related to each other... even sexually...! ... Was entirely Designed... Orchestrated... Conducted... and Monitored... by their Creator... Allah Almighty God...!

And the abrupt end... of their sexual union... Happened... just after He Commanded Muftiah... Knowing when she would be likely... to be more receptive... to the terrifying act of sexual intercourse... usually once every two months... to join themselves together... intimately...

She had suffered... a deep seated sexual trauma... ever since she was brutally... sexually assaulted... by a young German POW... when she was a seventeen year old student... living in England...

(That horrendous... life affecting experience... is fully described in "HEAVENLY VISITATIONS" ... under Part IV - Chapter 3... and in Chapter 4... is how ignorant Muftiah found out... via her lifelong Guardian Angel Friend... ever since she was four years old... living in Japan... that she had suffered with a deep seated sexual trauma... ever since she was seventeen...! ... and not that she had been too Spiritual a person... to have any sexual feelings towards a man... always only feeling towards them... what the French so aptly describe as... "amour de coeur" (love of the heart) !!!)

And in obeying... with Farlan... as usual... Receiving Perfectly... how to relax his trembling with fear... nervous wife... their union... accompanied by their mutual... spontaneous... surrendered to their Creator... Latihan 
State... becoming for the second time... even more Blissfully... truly one... in body... as well as in Spirit... Almighty Allah Gave her... the most astounding Command... by Saying...:

"That Was The Best... ... ... And The Last...!"

Until the last two times... Muftiah Had Been Forbidden... to surrender herself... to her husband... Farlan... during their God-Commanded moments... of sexual intimacy... because he had to undergo... some sexual Purification... on a very deep level... the Essence of which... was not for Muftiah to absorb... as their life forces mixed... with each other... but Allowed... only to surrender herself... to her Creator... her Heavenly Father... Allah Almighty God...

Their very unique... seven years... of a Jiwa to Jiwa marriage... is more fully detailed... in later Chapters... as indicated... in the Table of Contents...)

Throughout all these years... noble Farlan... rejected by his true mate... Ismana... Muftiah's dear little "itoko" (cousin)... from their previous Japanese incarnation... Has Been Willed by God... to remain... as Muftiah's husband... but in name only...!

And he has been nursing... and taking care of her... for so far... almost twenty-seven years... without once complaining... as she suffered... one God-Willed Stroke... after another... soon after Almighty Allah... ended 
their true marriage... while bed-ridden... for the first seven years... and at the same time... continuously Receiving Reminders... that it was time for her... to prepare herself... to leave earth... and periodically Being Commanded by Him...:

"Now Time To Write...!"

Which all still goes on... exactly the same... as of today... Tuesday... July 21st... 2009... at 5.45 a.m....!

A very rare... noble soul... of honorable character... indeed... who... not physically ailing... like his much older wife in name only... Muftiah... constantly is... but who... by the Grace of God... still looks years younger... still lives a life... of total celibacy...!

And who still waits patiently... for his true mate... Isnaini... who became Ismana... shortly after... she was Muftiah's very Special Helper... during the Allah Commanded... Night of Vigil... on the eve... of her very first... Allah Willed Stroke... to come to her senses... and return to him... for good...!

His One and Only Beloved... whose Essence... Resides... in his Jiwa... and whom he often hears... plaintively... and longingly... calling out to him... from inside his Jiwa...:

"Farlan...! Farlan...! Farlan...!"

(To be continued here with Part 2 of the Open Letter... Thanksgiving Day Thursday 11/25/10... Insha Allah... God Willing...)

Thursday, November 18, 2010


This is Part  I  Of An Open Letter... of January 3, 1987... featured here... as per SUBUD Brothers and Sisters' requests... on Muftiah's JIWA TO JIWA Blog... on November 18th, 2010...:-

573 Clarinada Ave. #17 
Daly City, California  94015 I  USA

Tel: (415) 756-4608

January 3, 1987

To All SUBUD Brothers & Sisters Throughout the SUBUD World... from Muftiah Hateley...

Dear SUBUD Brothers and Sisters,

As your SUBUD sister Muftiah awoke this morning,  Allah Said to her: 

"Now Write To All SUBUD Brothers And Sisters... How Muftiah Is A SUBUD Daughter Of Allah Almighty God...! - And Also About Allah's Revelation To Muftiah... 

But First Wash Body And Hair In Latihan Kejiwaan..."

"Oh yes Allah", Muftiah cried, "but how can Muftiah fulfill such a Divine Command... in accordance with Allah's Will...?"

And Allah Answered:  "Allah Will Guide Muftiah..."

As many of you know, for the past 4 years or so, it is Allah's Will that: 

"Now Muftiah Experience Process Of Dying... In Full Awareness"... and often...: 

"Now Muftiah Write, While Experiencing Process Of Dying... In Full Awareness..."!

And Muftiah, Being Trained to be obedient to Allah, writes now to her many SUBUD Brothers and Sisters throughout the SUBUD world, with Allah's Guidance, as follows...:-

Your SUBUD sister Muftiah has been trying sincerely and patiently to obey Allah Almighty God's Perfect Will for her these past 26 SUBUD years, most of the time, and sometimes, in the first 10 years, naughtily willful, to her great remorseful regret, begging Almighty God (she was a Christian then)...:  

"Oh Heavenly Father... please forgive Thy daughter Grazia"... and: 

"Oh Heavenly Father... please forgive Thy daughter Laura..."

But when Almighty God Willed... that she now worship Him as a Muslim, but only Inwardly... Receiving Guidance how to... from her Jiwa... about 12 years ago, and Allah Willed for her to have the name "Muftiah", her Training... in earnest... of instant obedience to Allah... became an hourly, daily and nightly occurrence... 

"Now Inner Life Only... No More Outer Life..." ... and

"Obey ALLAH...  ALLAH Guiding..."

becoming her predominant Experience, all her outer life... of working in the world... which she had loved... Suddenly Stopped... as soon as she Was Commanded by Almighty Allah... at the age of 45... but by the Grace of God... still looking 20 years younger... to reluctantly marry twelve years younger Farlan...!

(To Be Continued here... Monday 11/22/10... Insha Allah... God Willing... with an excerpt from her Spiritual Odyssey... "FROM SEVEN HELLS... TO SEVENTH HEAVEN... SUBUD..."  Part I - Ninety Days In March - Chapter 7 - featuring the terrifying True Experience... when doubting Muftiah... Is Made by her Creator... her Beloved Heavenly Father Allah Almighty God... to accept Farlan... as her husband...)

Thursday, November 11, 2010


THE MEANING OF SUBUD -  Talk IV  SUBMISSION... Concluded today Thursday 11/11/10...

Ladies and gentlemen, 

Bapak has now finished answering your questions about the meaning of surrender and wishes to continue with a few words to all of you.

Brothers and sisters, Bapak feels full of awe that such is the Working of the Power of God that we have Received that, although we have been working for many days, this SUBUD Congress has gone on in such a good way because of His Mercy and Grace.  

Why is that? 

This is the situation of the Congress, because, as Bapak said earlier, God Protects Us And Gives Us His Blessing;  He Bestows His Mercy on us, for what we have been undertaking is according to God's Will. 

We should therefore give thanks to the Greatness Of God For His Guidance And Directions which We Have Received through the Working of His Power In Us Without Ourselves Being Aware Of It. 

And in this situation we must and should be grateful to God that this Congress has proceeded so smoothly and well and has made it  possible for us to bring order - though not yet perfect and complete - into the conduct of the SUBUD affairs.  

To sort out and arrange to some extent and in the best possible way some principles which can be understood and followed by all our brothers and sisters everywhere who are now spread all over the world. 

This is the way God Guides and Leads us human beings, so that we, without ourselves being aware of it, are able to undertake things without being influenced by our desires and passions. 

This is what Bapak has seen and witnessed during this Congress. 

Bapak has been giving you explanations according to your need;  the purpose of which is that you shoud deal with all that had to be discussed in the Congress without involving your desires and passions. 

The message and advice which Bapak has been giving you, you have been able to Receive, so that any discussions you have held have not resulted in any serious disagreements between you. 

And now we have come to the end of the Congress, and the atmosphere is one of peace and has a quieting effect upon our hearts.

As to the length of this Congress, which has gone on for three weeks, :this is not because we have had to face difficult problems. 

But, in reality, it has been for drawing people closer together - heart to heart and feeling to feeling, making a good relationship. 

Apart from this, it may be that you wished to be near Bapak, while Bapak, on the other hand, wished to be near to you, his children. 

So that the length of time and duration of the Congress, has not only been occupied with the necessary discussions for solving problems, but also with listening to hear Bapak's Talks and hear his advice, which you may need.

Because this SUBUD Congress has achieved success in a peaceful way, it will serve to clarify the necessary undertakings that are ahead of us, that have arisen as a result of it.

These should be carried out peacefully and without letting ourselves be merely dictated to by our own mind, but with the same spirit with which we have worked in this Congress, and not one that is filled with the passions. 

The result of this is that, when you return home from here, you may be able to fulfill your obligations with the true spirit of brotherhood, and do things in a brotherly way, truly as members of a family; thus avoiding disagreements or quarrels in your various groups or centers. 

For you have been witness and experienced an example that has been given here during the Congress, in which you have discussed important questions, which ordinarily, through the mind, might have caused tension and quarrels, and would lead to disputes of an intellectual nature, did not do so. 

This has not happened.  

For what has been obtained and achieved in this Congress is the result of a peaceful and happy atmosphere, because you have been willing to give way to one another; for, indeed, what we seek for is the Truth.

This example which you have lived through during this time and the experience of people working harmoniously together should help you, when you return to your own place.

Meaning that you practice the sane spirit, and thus bring into existence harmony, peace and happiness, with which each one of you should fulfill his duty.

What you have experienced here, will eventually bring harmony.  It will bring discipline and it will bring joy to the way each person carries out their responsibilities.

It is indeed the Will of God that human beings should worship Him according to His Will - to be peaceful and pure of heart and feelings. 

This should serve as a guideline and the direction you should take in order to attain the necessary level for each one of you.  

You should possess an Inner State that is both pure and clean, and a readiness to give way to others, and no longer to be under the influence of the lower forces whose characteristics Bapak has explained to you in his earlier Talks.

Now, speaking as a human being to other human beings, Bapak praises all those who have undertaken the arrangements for the Congress and those responsible for preparing all the documents - all of which have been done so well. 

Although it is all thanks to the Grace of God, as a human being Bapak must express his appreciation and boundless gratitude that you have been able to carry out a task that is actually very difficult, and have done it very well and lightly.

As his final words, Bapak prays that each one of you will have a safe journey home under God's Protection;  be reunited with your families in a state of happiness, security and well-being;  and that you will be able to fulfill your obligations in an excellent way.

This is the end of Bapak's words to you all on this last day.  

And Bapak hopes you will forgive him for only being available today and tomorrow to help you with your questions and other matters.

That is all. Thank you very much.


(To be Continued Monday 11/15/10... with the Beginning of Bapak's Talks on LOVE, MARRIAGE AND SEX...  Talk I  THE UNION OF MAN AND WOMAN IS THE SECRET OF LIFE... only on Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page...

Monday, November 8, 2010



THE MEANING OF SUBUD -  Talk IV  SUBMISSION... Continued today Thursday 11/8/10...

Now Bapak is going to illustrate this. (Bapak stands up.) 

Bapak is standing quite relaxed and free, like this;  as is called in the language of the army:  "Stand at ease!" 

Now after being perfectly 'at ease' in this way, You May Begin, Like This, Because You Are Now In The Right Condition For The Command To Be Taken Over By God.

Whereas before, it was your mind and heart that were in command,  It Is Now In This New Freedom That The Command Is Taken Over By God. 

God May Give The Command: 'Stand At Attention!'  (Bapak snaps to attention - Laughter.)

Then You Follow Whatever Movements May Come, Like This. (Bapak illustrates - a roar of laughter.)

But some of you do not do it this way, you are in too much of a hurry. 

As soon as you enter the hall... you immediately start moving, like this.  (Bapak illustrates this with many funny gestures, making all sorts of movements - Laughter. ) 

No, never be in a hurry, like that. 

When You Stand Up To Do Latihan, Start By Feeling And Seeing, 'Now I Am Relaxed, Free Of The Command Of My Heart And My Thinking Mind, And I Am Waiting For God To Take Over, Waiting For His Command'. 

(Bapak makes here more gestures.)

Well, this is how it will be, when God Might Say, 'Stand At Attention!'  (Again Bapak snaps to attention. Laughter.) 

Now You Can See What Will Come, And Whatever It May Be; Perhaps Like This (still making gestures), Or This Goes On Like This (gestures), Or Like This, And Like This (more gestures and roars of laughter). 

So do not come in like this, as soon as you enter the hall,  (Bapak runs and stamps his feet and almost falls to the floor, flapping his hands about. Lots of laughter), and continuing like that till the end of the Latihan.  

Because in that way, You Will Not See And Feel Its Origin, And How It Starts In You, And You Will Not Receive Where It Comes From.

The Same Is True For The End Of The Latihan, When God Ends His Command, And Tells You Once Again To Stand At Ease.

You Have Done Your Latihan And You May Feel, 'Oh, Perhaps God Is About To Relinquish His Command.'  Then Maybe God Says, 'Stand At Ease!'  (Bapak stands at ease.) 

So You Should Accustom Yourselves To Receiving The Beginning And The End Of The Latihan, In This Way.  Then You Will Realize, 'Oh, That's How It Is.'

So, for instance, if Bapak says, as in Islam: 'Allahu Akbar'  (God Is Almighty)  like this, (Bapak Raises His Hands And Folds Them On His Breast), The Meaning Of 'Allahu Akbar' Corresponds To This Movement. 

If, on the other hand, Bapak does this  (Bapak sings something amusing while making the same movement), then it is not right, it is wrong. 

Or if Bapak says 'Allahu Akbar' like this (Bapak makes the movements of running and singing), that is also inappropriate. 

 If Bapak says 'Allahu Akbar', He Must Move Like This. 

If, for instance, you say, 'Oh, God, Jesus,'  (Here Bapak Raises His Hands), This Is Right. 

But if you say the same, (Bapak dances inappropriately), that is out of place. 

Practicing In This Way, You Will See And Feel How The Latihan Starts And Finishes In You.

So In The Real State Of Latihan, Everything Is In Its Right Place.

P.S. Visiting his faithful SUBUD daughter Muftiah... today... in Spirit... Bapak wants her to inform... all his SUBUD children that... once they reach their Golden Years... at the age of sixty-three... they no longer need to stand up... to do Latihan... but may remain seated... or lying down... where they will still Receive... Whatever God Wills for them... in their ongoing Spiritual Growth... and Development...

Furthermore... once they have been doing the Latihan... diligently... for at least seven years... they should be doing it every day... 

The Following is the True Way... in which to live the SUBUD Life...:-

It Is Important... To Stay In Touch With The Latihan... To Feel The Vibration... When You Get Up In The Morning...  

It Is Also Important... To Remember... To Feel For The Vibration... When You Are In The Middle Of Working...

And To Bless Your Food At Lunchtime... And Allow The Latihan... To Rinse Out Your Activities... 

During The Afternoon... Remember To Feel For The Vibration... Once Or Twice... 

At Dinnertime... Bless Your Food... And Get Quiet... 

Before Retiring To Bed... Let The Latihan Rinse You Out... And Sleep Clean... 

Do Not Wait For Your Times Of Group Latihan... To Surrender Yourself To God...

God Has Given You The Opportunity... To Live Near Him... Day By Day... –  Do Not Relegate Him... To Just Once... Or Twice A Week... 

If You Do All This... You Will Be Helping Bapak... In His Ongoing Mission... To Spread SUBUD... Throughout The World...

(THE MEANING OF SUBUD -  Talk IV  SUBMISSION... To be Concluded Thursday 11/11/10... on Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA"... and "MUFTIAH"... Insha Allah... God Willing... where via the free Google Translate Service... set up on your Browser... it can be read in many other languages... and in much easier... and larger to read print...)  

Thursday, November 4, 2010


THE MEANING OF SUBUD -  Talk IV  SUBMISSION... Continued today Thursday 11/4/10...

The words spoken at the time of the Opening are just ordinary words, addressed to the mind of the person Being Opened to prevent any misunderstanding on his part that might ascribe the Power to us, so that he does not think that it is we, the Helpers, who have authority. 

Nor is it in Accordance with the Will of God that we should feel any pride or raise ourselves up in any way.

For That Is Not God's Will;  God does not like us to be arrogant or put ourselves higher than others. 

God Wills Us To Be Equal In Feeling With Others, To Be Brothers And Sisters To One Another. 

This Is God's Will For Humankind, So That We Can Become An Eternal Human Family In This World;  Because There is Only One Humanity And One God.

With regard to those who do not Experience anything at the time they are Opened or during their first few Latihans - or maybe even for quite a long time - and who find their thoughts are still active in them:  these people have in reality Been Opened, but the influence of their thinking minds, hearts and desires has penetrated very deeply into them. 

They should not, however, feel any anxiety or worry or feel any regret about this, because they too will certainly Feel and Recognize their Opening eventually. 

Bapak has seen Experiences of this kind in many of the places he has visited. 

Some Members, though Experiencing nothing in their first ten or eleven months, or even more months of Latihan, did come to Receive eventually. 

And Once They Do Start To Receive In This Way, Their Progress Goes Steadily Ahead. 

This serves as confirmation, clearly, that they were indeed Opened at the beginning, but they were slow in their Receiving and did not recognize any Progress because the worldly influences had gone too deeply into them.

Thus it is clear that, in truth, the Contact does not come merely as a result of our surrender, But It Is Because Of The Receiving Of The Grace From God. 

Therefore Bapak always advises you to stand quite relaxed and free in your Receiving, saying: 

'Stand Up And Receive Freely'. 

The Meaning Of 'FreeIy' is To Really Feel Your Being Without Any Tension Whatsoever. 

For example, a person who is to be Opened should not clasp or hold his or her hands tightly clenched in any way, or fix themselves in any posture, for this is not the way to be free.  Nor should they hold their hands behind their backs, because that is not free either. 

The way to be free is to be as if you were quite powerless;  Which Means That You Are Truly Surrendering To God, And Allowing Whatever God Wills To Be Done In You. 

So it is to be in such a condition of freedom that is called surrender, but although this is the situation, nevertheless, without the Working Of The Power Of God In You, nothing will happen. 

Thus That Which Is Most Important For The Reality Of Surrender, Is The Revelation And Grace Which We Have Received.

It is Bapak's hope and advice to all of you that in the Receiving of the Latihan, you should not be in a hurry to move when you Receive the Latihan, But You Should Feel And See The Origin Of Your Movement And How It Begins In You. 

(THE MEANING OF SUBUD -  Talk IV  SUBMISSION... To be Continued Monday 11/8/10... on Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA"... and "MUFTIAH"... Insha Allah... God Willing... where via the free Google Translate Service... set up on your Browser... it can be read in many other languages... and in much easier... and larger to read print...)