Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Open Letter of January 3, 1987... To All SUBUD Brothers and Sisters Throughout The SUBUD World - Part III - Continued Monday 11/29/10...)

Known as Grazia... she was used to staying close to her Inner self... while walking down the streets, or riding on a bus in the cities of South Africa. 

And now that she, known as Laura... at the ripe age of 41, and living in Miami, was finally able to learn how to drive a car for the first time in her life, her dear SUBUD Brother Howard Welsh, now Hidayat, teaching her, she began to find herself in a state of Latihan Kejiwaan... while driving the car also!  

In fact, whenever she found herself alone anywhere, she would surrender and begin singing praises to ALMIGHTY GOD, feeling great Joy deep inside her, her Latihan Kejiwaan becoming deeper and wider than it had ever been... before she came to America...!

Now in the USA... her work experience in the world was added to by becoming an assistant to two chiropractors, the first in Miami, and the second, a SUBUD Brother, in San Francisco, who also trained her in the procedure of Accupressure, and now known as Muftiah, she would Receive Inner Guidance as to where to apply pressure on the patients' bodies! 

And at the end of the work day, she would always Receive to do a cleansing Latihan Kejiwaan, before going home. . .

Shortly after she arrived in Marin, after her 4-month crisis in Santa Cruz, with her new Muslim name Muftiah, she Received: 

"Now Teach Singing"! 

And she wondered how, since she was too poor even to rent a piano; during her crisis, in Santa Cruz, she had only been able to earn $8 a week... as a cleaning lady for the Catholic church...!

Testing with dear Regional Helpers SUBUD Sisters Roekmini House and Aminah Clark had indicated: 

"Laura Must Now Only Work With Her Hands - No Group Latihan Kejiwaan - No Ramadan Fast!" 

(She was in a Holy State of Disgrace because of her willfullness in her unhappy marriage to Mark, disobeying GOD'S Will that she stay married to him... and allowing Mark... who was happily living with another woman... to divorce her...)

So... after first Paralyzing her whole body... while He Expressed His Displeasure in His daughter Laura... GOD Made her become a cleaning woman, for the Catholic church...!

She... who had managed hotels... was now Made to scrub two priests' houses from top to bottom twice a week... and yet she was Granted GOD'S MERCY... because during that time of "Working With Her Hands"... PRAISE ALLAH - the Latihan Kejiwaan Would Soar through her being... with ALMIGHTY GOD Gving her Boundless Energy...! 

Whenever she washed the stained-glass windows of the church... or made up beds, washed dishes, scrubbed bathrooms and floors, vacuumed, polished and dusted, the priests' houses... she would Receive Singing Praises Joyfully to HIM.. while she worked... and everythig Was Made Very Easy for her... the Time Seeming To Fly By...!

Then a Miracle... after three months... when ALLAH suddenly Commanded her to relocate to Marin... a piano and studio "fell into her lap"! - and one by one, SUBUD Sisters, and even Brothers, came to her, and Muftiah learned... that she was not to train their voices, as hers had been trained so many years ago, but to follow Inner Guidance... as to what each Brother and Sister needed, for his/her voice to come up and out... from his/her Jiwa...!

"Oh ALLAH... Please Forgive Muftiah"... 

became her daily supplication, when she hesitated to "Obey ALLAH"... for even just a second!, Being Made To Feel Great Remorse Deep Inside Her...

And in particular for these past four years and two months and six days, with the sincerest feeling of patient willingness to experience whatever ALLAH Wills for her... the following is what she is Made to suffer... by HIM...: 

Mostly constant pressure in the head, as if swimming under water, and partial paralysis of the face and left side of the body, from the many Strokes she has Received... for her Ancestral Purification... 

She also suffers a daily debilitating draining away of the material life forces in her body, evidenced by daily constant nausea of varying degrees, and also daily, painful numerous bouts of diarrhea, heart palpitations and lung disorders... 

Furthermore... there are mysterious Rashes, Red Blotches and Streaks... that Appear and Disappear all over her body, every day, some very itchy... 

Then there are the periodic painful gallstone attacks... unquenchable thirst... swelling of the joints, and high blood pressure... 

To top it all... there are the most unpleasant hot flashes... suffered ever since she was 37... when she had to undergo a pan hysterectomy... with little relief, since for the past 7 years, the monthly hormonal estrogen injections... have no longer been effective... getting some relief... so far... from the herbal supplements of Black Cohosh and Soy Isoflavones...

(Allah Commanded Open Letter of January 3, 1987... To All SUBUD Brothers and Sisters Throughout The SUBUD World  -  Part  IV - to be Continued... Insha Allah... God Willing... Thursday 12/2/10...)

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