Thursday, January 6, 2011

Allah Almighty God's Commanded 32-Page Open Letter of January 3, 1987... To All SUBUD Brothers and Sisters Throughout The SUBUD World - Part XIII ... Continued Thursday 1/3/11...)

As BAPAK's appointed Helpers... we should try to always prepare ourselves throughout the day... asking for Inner Guidance... for that night or day... before we come into the presence of our SUBUD Brothers and Sisters... to seriously... but lightly... fulfill our duties and obligations... to their Kejiwaan... 

Staying close to our Jiwa at all times... constantly reminding ourselves... as well as our fellow SUBUD Members... of the Aims and Purposes of SUBUD... 

Trying our best... to remain open... empty... and still... in order to possibly Receive some Inner Guidance... that some individual may happen to need... so that our Jiwa-Guided actions... will bear good Spiritual fruit... throughout our SUBUD membership...

BAPAK's Helpers should set the proper example... to always be the first to arrive... and the last to leave... at the place of worshipping our Creator... ALLAH ALMIGHTY GOD... or whatever other Holy Name... some of you... might call HIM... where we sit quietly and patiently surrendered... with our eyes closed... shutting out all awareness of the outside world... as the SUBUD Members come in... following their good example...

Then Receiving when to commence the Latihan Kejiwaan... in accordance with the necessary time needed... until all the SUBUD Members are sitting quietly... having shut out all awareness of the outside world also - the feeling in each SUBUD Member should be... that they could stay patiently sitting there... for all Eternity...!

For Muftiah... the Divine Guidance... as BAPAK's Helper.. Given to her... as a Perfect Indication... of when to start the Latihan Kejiwaan... was always in the Divine Form... of her hands... Being Made To Swell Up... and the Swelling Going Down... as she stood up... and Was Guided... by the POWER OF ALLAH ALMIGHTY GOD... to quietly Walk... to the center of the room... and still with her eyes closed... Receiving to say...: 

"Let the Latihan... Kejiwaan... Begin..."

As we begin to submit the whole of ourselves to our CREATOR... in unconditional surrender... to HIM... we should always remember... that unconditional surrender means... that we will neither pray for... nor ask for... nor hope for... anything in particular for ourselves... 

But only... that ALLAH ALMIGHTY GOD... Grants His Perfect Will unto us... HIS Created children... Giving each individual one of us... what each needs... and when... for HE Knows each and every one of us... far better than we know ourselves... and Knows exactly... what each one of us needs... and when... 

And while we are sincerely... and patiently... surrendered to HIM... never ever... resist... whatever HE Causes... to Arise in us... whether in bodily Movements... or Voice... or both...

For HE Is Bringing to Wonderful Spiritual Life... the counterpart of our physical beings... in preparation for our Glorious... Eternal Afterlives... so that we will be able to Move our Spiritually Awakened.. and Activated bodies... our arms... and legs... and use our voices... in speech...and song... there in the Paradise of SUBUD Heaven...

At the same time... ALLAH ALMIGHTY GOD Could possibly Be Cleansing us... of sins... and dirt... not only six per cent of our own... but ninety-four per cent... of our ancestors... which we have inherited... and have been carrying inside ourselves... like a heavy burden... for centuries... incarnation after incarnation...!

That is why... there are times... when we feel so Wonderfully Light... after a particular Latihan Kejiwaan...

Muftiah recalls Beloved BAPAK saying that... should we resist... whatever GOD Causes... to Arise in us... we could possibly be resisting the Purification... of nine lifetimes of sins... during that half hour... of our Latihan Kejiwaan...!

SUBUD Helpers and Members alike... should never be in a hurry to have the Latihan Kejiwaan over and done with... as soon as possible - haste belongs to the realm of the nafsu... and has no place at the times of Worship... nor in our daily lives - the tempo and rhythm of the Jiwa... ever aware of Eternity... is more slow than fast...

Too often... the Latihan Kejiwaan is begun too early... before every Brother or Sister in the room... is truly as quiet as they can be... so that the opportunity... for the full benefit of a Group Latihan Kejiwaan... Received by everybody... in the quietest state possible... is sadly missed - very often... the time to really start the Latihan Kejiwaan... is after everybody thinks... that their Latihan Kejiwaan has ended...!

And after the Latihan Kejiwaan is over... let us not be in a hurry to quickly become busy... in the heart and mind again... thereby losing the precious Divine Gift... we have been so Blessed... to have just Received... but hug the Wonderful Quiet State... close to ourselves... for as long as possible... even until we retire and enter Sleep State... surrendering ourselves... once again... to our CREATOR... as we close our eyes...

You will be surprised at what wonderful dreams you will be missing... if you go to bed... busy in the heart and mind... in a "low" state...!

Beloved BAPAK has told us many times... not to worry about our children and/or dependents... while we are at our place of Latihan Kejiwaan Worship - we should just relax... concentrating only on our sincere... patient surrender...  submitting the whole of ourselves... to THE POWER OF THE ONE ALLAH ALMIGHTY GOD... nothing else... 

And we should have firm faith... and utter trust...  that THE POWER of GOD... and HIS Host of Heavenly Angels... will Guard... and Protect them... and See to it... that no harm befalls them... during our absence...

(Allah Almighty God's Commanded 32-Page Open Letter of January 3, 1987... To All SUBUD Brothers and Sisters Throughout The SUBUD World  -  to be Continued... with  Part  XIV  ... Insha Allah... God Willing... Monday 1/10/11...)

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