Monday, February 7, 2011

Allah Almighty God's Commanded 32-Page Open Letter of January 3, 1987... To All SUBUD Brothers and Sisters Throughout The SUBUD World - Part XXII ... Concluding BELOVED BAPAK'S GOLDEN PEARLS... OF SPIRITUAL SECRETS... AND TRUTHS... REGARDING BAPAK'S HELPERS... Monday 2/7/11...

HELPERS - It is a heavy duty... to be a Helper...

Helpers are pioneers:  they are Helpers of BAPAK...  

Fill this position with quality... 

Helpers are soldiers of GOD... soldiers in SUBUD...

The Helpers have always to sit in front... 

Helpers should not only give advice... but they should be a channel...

Helpers are elder Brothers and Sisters... 

They should solve the problems of the Members... create an atmosphere of love... and harmony... and enable people... to understand each other...

It makes BAPAK very sad... when the Members still quarrel... amongst themselves... 

It is such a shame... if you quarrel...

As you begin to understand each other... within yourselves...  you should be a good example... 

Many Members still have no faith... in the Helpers...

Helpers are to have absolutely no responsibility... for the organization... and the worldly side... so they are not allowed... to meddle in the organization... in the finances... in any of the things... that concern the Committee...  

These are the responsibility... of the Committee... 

It is very important... that the Helpers understand... that they should not mix themselves... into the work of the Committee...

The responsibility of the Helpers... is to make the Members aware... of what SUBUD is... 

For example... the question that BAPAK was asked... why people are Opened... and then they don't come to Latihan anymore... or... before they are Opened... they want to know what SUBUD is...  

So all the Members... must become really aware... and understand... what SUBUD is... 

This is a very big job...

So the Helpers actually have a lot of work... a great deal of work to do... to make sure... that all the SUBUD Members... really understand... what SUBUD is...

BAPAK hopes that all of you... specially the Helpers... as soldiers in SUBUD... are now able to start a new life... can bring more life into SUBUD... 

Let bygones be bygones... forget those mistakes... which you have made in the past... begin afresh... anew...

Face all events... it is only the heart... and mind... which complain...  

Human beings are very weak...

Life has its ups and downs... it will not always be happy... but the heart... cannot understand this... 

When you are unhappy... you complain... that is the nature of the heart...

Nowadays... people have completely lost their Inner Selves... they live an artificial life... guided only by their passions... 

People who blindly copy the fashions... have lost their own True Selves...

(Allah Almighty God's Commanded 32-Page Open Letter of January 3, 1987... To All SUBUD Brothers and Sisters Throughout The SUBUD World  -  to be Continued... with  Part  XXIII ... Insha Allah... God Willing... Thursday 2/10/11...)

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